Aroma Roll On Series
Natural aroma is the palette of body. It opens up your sense of smell, brings out sweet memories and relaxes your mind. You can find out the beauty of life by enhancing your creativity and imagination with Inner Scent Aroma Roll On. This range of product of essential oil comes from natural plant.
It gives one a harmonious and gentle feeling and also determination when essential oil molecules come in contact with the olfactory receptors in the nasal cavity and the brain limbic system ( which controls emotions, memory and learning). It give rises to subtle effects, it brings out the perceptual memories that has been suppressed for a long time and opens up the blissful world of joy.
Release Aroma Roll On
A compound remedy that is refreshing. Natural phytoncide appearses the nervous system, releases anxiety and pressure. It eases tension, and is a superior and natural remedy for insomnia.
本产品来自天然的植物精油複方。它重视内涵与质感,能蕴育出和谐的心灵,使您柔和,也能使您坚毅,心旷神怡的面对人生的各种挑战。精油分子是经由鼻腔内的嗅觉感受器与大脑的边缘( 既是控制情绪、记忆与学习的中枢 )的接触而产生微妙的影响,能唤醒长期压抑的知觉记忆,启动爱的幸福世界。
Environment Aroma Spray Series
A good environment is beneficial to health since good health is a blessing. Inner Scent Aroma Spray which is full of plant phytoncide purifies the atmosphere as you can feel at one with nature. It promotes a natural and safe environment and helps you to relieve stress and tiredness.
This range of product of essential oil comes from natural plant. It is an all inclusive care which can lead to physical, mental and spiritual well-being. It harmonies your body and mind; it gives you a gentle feeling, thereby stabling you to face the challenges of life.
Ease Garden Environment Aroma Spray
Lavender essential oil helps to relax, stabilize and balance central nervous system. It soothes emotion and tension, and let you feel at ease and serene. It also purifies the atmosphere and has an anti-bacterial effect.
健康来自于自然,宁静来自于相信自己,身体的环保与环境环保同等重要。营造大自然的环境,让精油的芬多精随时都围绕你身边, 洗涤内心的疲惫,净化外在环境。